Thursday, 14 December 2017


-          Now I can speak a little more about Ireland.
-          I liked learning about Christmas with Michael the most.
-          I payed much attention.
-          Outside the English class I watched films and I listened to music.
-          I need to improve the numbers.
   I learned about growing up in Australia and New Zealand.

Saturday, 25 November 2017


- Ireland is divided into two parts: Ireland and Northern Ireland.
- Dublin is the home of Riverdance, a popular show which tells the story of Ireland and its people.
- A limerick is a poem which tells a silly story or joke in five lines.
- The first known limericks date back to the 18th century.
- At Blarney Castle, near Cork, there is an old stone in the tower.
- According to a legend, the stone has magic powers.
- Thousands of people kiss the stone each year.
- Irish folk songs tell short stories about people's  everyday lives.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017


I have chosen a storie called "Lion's bad breath".



Common: normal, familiar.
Easy-going: person who is easy to talk to.
Dishonest: person who doesn't tell the truth.
Voluntary: it's not compulsory.
Fair: honored, right.
Rare: not common.

Thursday, 19 October 2017



- Excited: when you feel happy because you are going to do something that you like.
- Funny: someone that makes you laugh.
- Lonely: a person that doesn´t have friends.
- Relaxed: you can feel like that when you are lying on the sofa for example.
- Surprised: when you see or do something you didn´t expect to do.
- Tired: you feel it when you have done an excess of exercise.


In the USA:

- You can hunt at the age you want.
- In physical education you have to wear a uniform.
- In the estate of Alaska most of the people can fly a plane.
- You have to call the teachers Mr. or Miss.
- You can´t wear shorts.
- You can´t drink alcohol until you are 21.
- You can drive at the age of 16, but not at night.
- You can have a gun to defend yourself.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Tuesday, 20 June 2017



Now I know more English vocabulary than in the second term.
- This term I have studied more.
- I liked the most the projects we have done because they were funnier.
- I have to revise a little bit of vocabulary of journeys.
- About culture I have learned about Jonah Lomu´s life and career.
- I have to improve the listening part.
- I play games in English and I sometimes watch movies too.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Traditional kid song

During the music class, Carmen Alex and I have made a project about a traditional song called " Head, Shoulders , Knees and Toes".


Last week, in music class, we have watched an interesting video about how people can make different sounds with their bodies.
I really liked it.


During the music class, we have practised a song  with some hats. 
It was very funny, here´s the link. I hope you like it!


Hello, this is the link of my monologue about Angel Carril. I hope you like it! 

Click here to watch it!

Tuesday, 13 June 2017



Sales assistant: the person who helps you in a clothes shop.
B and B: kind of hostel.
Hire a car: rent a car.
Go abroad: travel to foreign countries.
To apply for a job: to give your curriculum to a business.


Vocabulary(Unit 5)

Toddler: baby that starts to walk.

Properly: in the right way
Fortunately: be lucky
Fluently: without errors.
Easily: without problems.
Eventually: after a long time.

Enjoyable: Something you can enjoy.

Vocabulary(Unit 7)

Sting: the insects will do it if they feel angry or afraid.
Bite: use the teeth to attack.
Chase: run after a person, animal or thing.
Fight back: defend yourself attacking.
Stand still: stand stop, without moving.

Rude: not polite.
Mean: the opposite of generous.
Shy: embarassed.

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Jonah Lomu

Hi, this is my project about Jonah Lomu. he was a rugby player. I hope you like it!

Friday, 21 April 2017

Got talent

Jon Dorenbos

The person that I have chosen from 'Got Talent' is Jon Dorenbos. He is a football player and he plays in the Phidadelphia Eagles Team. In his audition Jon did a trick with some poker cards. His trick was amazing. At the begining he told one of the judges to take a card and he fold it. Then one by one and with the cards mixed the judges pick different cards and they get impressed when they make a family with the cards. Then Jon asks a judge to think of a card and Jon unfoldes the card from the begining, it was the same.
Jon is an amazing magician!

Friday, 14 April 2017



Melody: is made by a succession of sounds, organized succession of musical tones that expresses a musical idea.

Harmony: is the use of silmutaneous pitches or chords.

Chord: is a group of notes played at once.


- Root position
- First inversion 
- Second inversion

Resultado de imagen de inversion of E chord

Sunday, 2 April 2017


This is my video from America´s got talent.

Friday, 31 March 2017



I have studied more this term in English. I got better marks in Music and P.E. I liked the most going to the excursions and doing funny projects. I have to make an effort at the English´s blog and study more P.E. This term we have learned about strange instruments in Music and we have visited some places in Salamanca. Outside the English classes I sometimes watch films in English and I read some books.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017



- Amadeus Mozart could  play music when he was 5.
- Zahra Kell can do some amazing tricks.
- Albet Einstein couldn't remember dates or numbers.
- Marina´s brother could do the handstand when he was 6 years old.
- I could read when I was 5 years.
- My sister can memorize 12 units.
- My cousin could drive a motorbike when he was 7.
- Zara Larsson could sing when she was 2.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Hi! This is Miguel, Alicia's and mine draw. It is a note with words refered to Music. We had a lot of fun doing it. I hope you like it!

Saturday, 21 January 2017



In year 2100...

- Cars will fly
- Teachers will be robots
- Our mobiles phones will fly
- The enviroment will be more polluted
- We will have a robot helper in every house
- We will use pen drives in our mobile phones
- There won´t be books
- The singers will be robots
- The balls nin the sports will float
- We will live in other planets too